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How to import nested XML into R data frame

I am looking to import the following XML document into data frames:

There should be 3 data frames created:

  1. Items - (Fields = ID Type Name PPU)
  2. Batters - (Fields = BatterID, BatterName, ItemID - key to Items data frame)
  3. Toppings - (Fields = ToppingID, ToppingName, ItemID - key to Items data frame)

(Data does not need to be 3NF - i.e. each batter can be repeated for each item it is listed against)

Using the XML2 package, I have so far used the following code to import the XML and convert it to a nested list:

xmlobj <- read_xml("")
ls1 <- as_list(xmlobj) #Converts XML to a nested list

I am now looking to parse / flatten the list into the 3 data frames as described above.

How best to achieve this? Is it through a series of loops (lapply/map), passing objects into vectors an then loading the data frame? Or should I avoid using XML2 / Lists altogether and use the XML package and achieve this using an XPath type syntax?

I tried the following and could pull out the Item attributes and elements for a single item, but when I tried to lapply the function it crashed:

#Function for pulling out item attributes from list
ItemDF <- function(myItem){

  #Gather Item data into DF including attributes
  itemFrame <- data_frame(
                id = attr(myItem$item,'id'),
                type = attr(myItem$item,'type'),
                name = unlist(myItem$item$name),
                ppu = unlist(myItem$item$ppu)


#Single instance
df1 <- ItemDF(ls1$items[1])

#Lapply across all items throws an error

(NB This data set is a proof of concept, so I am looking for a method I can then adapt for other XML files that I expect to be working on).


  • library(xml2)
    library( tidyverse )
    xmlobj <- read_xml("")
    df_items <- data.frame( 
      id   = xml_find_all( xmlobj, ".//item" ) %>% xml_attr( "id" ),
      type = xml_find_all( xmlobj, ".//item" ) %>%  xml_attr( "type" ),
      name = xml_find_all( xmlobj, ".//item/name" ) %>% xml_text(),
      ppu  = xml_find_all( xmlobj, ".//item/ppu" ) %>% xml_text(),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
    #     id   type       name  ppu
    # 1 0001  donut       Cake 0.55
    # 2 0002  donut     Raised 0.55
    # 3 0003  donut Buttermilk 0.55
    # 4 0004    bar        Bar 0.75
    # 5 0005  twist      Twist 0.65
    # 6 0006 filled     Filled 0.75
    df_batters <- xml_find_all( xmlobj, ".//item" )  %>% 
          xml_find_all(.x, ".//batters/batter") %>% xml_attr( "id" ),
          xml_find_all(.x, ".//batters/batter") %>% xml_text()
        ) %>% 
          as.list() %>%  
          flatten_df() %>%
          mutate(itemID = xml_attr(.x, "id" ) )
      }) %>%
      type_convert() %>% 
      gather( batter, batterID, -itemID, na.rm = TRUE) %>%
      select( batterID, batter, itemID )
    # # A tibble: 10 x 3
    #    batterID batter       itemID
    #  *    <int> <chr>        <chr> 
    #  1     1001 Regular      0001  
    #  2     1001 Regular      0002  
    #  3     1001 Regular      0003  
    #  4     1001 Regular      0004  
    #  5     1001 Regular      0005  
    #  6     1001 Regular      0006  
    #  7     1002 Chocolate    0001  
    #  8     1002 Chocolate    0003  
    #  9     1003 Blueberry    0001  
    # 10     1003 Devil's Food 0001  
    df_toppings <- xml_find_all( xmlobj, ".//item" )  %>% 
          xml_find_all(.x, ".//topping") %>% xml_attr( "id" ),
          xml_find_all(.x, ".//topping") %>% xml_text()
        ) %>% 
          as.list() %>%  
          flatten_df() %>%
          mutate(itemID = xml_attr(.x, "id" ) )
      }) %>%
      type_convert() %>% 
      gather( topping, toppingID, -itemID, na.rm = TRUE) %>%
      select( toppingID, topping, itemID )
    # # A tibble: 20 x 3
    #    toppingID topping                  itemID
    # *      <int> <chr>                    <chr> 
    #  1      5001 None                     0001  
    #  2      5001 None                     0002  
    #  3      5002 Glazed                   0001  
    #  4      5002 Glazed                   0002  
    #  5      5002 Glazed                   0005  
    #  6      5002 Glazed                   0006  
    #  7      5005 Sugar                    0001  
    #  8      5005 Sugar                    0002  
    #  9      5005 Sugar                    0005  
    # 10      5007 Powdered Sugar           0001  
    # 11      5007 Powdered Sugar           0006  
    # 12      5006 Chocolate with Sprinkles 0001  
    # 13      5003 Chocolate                0001  
    # 14      5003 Chocolate                0002  
    # 15      5003 Chocolate                0004  
    # 16      5003 Chocolate                0006  
    # 17      5004 Maple                    0001  
    # 18      5004 Maple                    0002  
    # 19      5004 Maple                    0004  
    # 20      5004 Maple                    0006