i have some trouble in using kotlin for looping
i have json as like below :
idEvent: "584412",
strEvent: "Huesca vs Girona",
strHomeYellowCards: "28':Ezequiel Avila;34':Juan Nunez Aguilera;45':Damian Musto;88':David Ferreiro;"
and after i generate in android studio, i want the line strHomeYellowCards
become like below in only one TextView
Ezequiel Avila 28'
Juan Nunez Aguilera 34'
Damian Musto 45'
David Ferreiro 88'
and these my code to make it happened
fun formatNumPlayer(players: String?): String {
if (players.isNullOrBlank()) {
return players.orEmpty()
} else {
val entered = players!!.replace(";", "\n")
val splitted = entered!!.split(":")
var result: String? = null
for (i in splitted.indices) {
result += "${splitted[1]}" + " " + "${splitted[0]}" + "\n"
return result!!
but the result is under my expectation, so how the true code about it?
The JSON provided is not a well formatted JSON. So i assume that you just pasted the key:value
pair here.
In this case, taking the value as a string and processing it would be the easiest way to achieve your goal.
// Assume bulkText is the value of key `strHomeYellowCards`
val bulkText = "28':Ezequiel Avila;34':Juan Nunez Aguilera;45':Damian Musto;88':David Ferreiro;"
var result = ""
result += it.split(':').asReversed().reduce{ sum, element -> sum + ' ' + element } + '\n'
// result should be your desired output