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How to reset items in radio button list?

Easy one.

I added programatically a few items to a radiuo button list:

foreach (var item in res)
     rbl.Items.Add(new ListItem(item.text, item.value.ToString()));

After a change of view (Multiview), I need to come back to the view with the radio button list, but this view added again the items.

How can I reset the items already added to the radio button list?

Used, and not working:


rbl.Datasource = null;

rbl = new RadioButtonList();



  • The "ClearSelection()" method simply puts the selection to be "-1", in order to remove the data in the list you will need


    Also be careful, where you actually add the items, that might cause a problem as well, since I cannot see additional code it is just my prediction.

    Hope this solves your problem. Cheers!