I am trying to create a related model via the parent model using the uRL of the parent model
Parent : Applications Related : Applicants This is the below relationship
applications --> hasMany -- > applicants ( foreignkey : application id ) applicants --> BelongsTo --> applications (foreignkey : applicationid )
I want to do an upsert on both the models togther using the url of the parent model PATCH /api/applications
Below is the applications.js
module.exports = function(Application)
Application.afterRemote('upsert', function(ctx, instance, next){
var response ={};
response.id = ctx.result.id;
var applicants = ctx.req.body.applicants || undefined;
Application.getApp(function (err, app) {
var resp = { "applicants" :[]};
if (applicants){
for (var i=0; i<applicants.length ; i++)
applicants[i].application_id = ctx.result.id;
app.models.Applicants.upsert(applicants[i], function (err, result)
if (err) throw err;
if (!result) {
var err = new Error("Insert into Applicant failed");
err.statusCode = 500;
// This prints the result in the console.
console.log('***** In APP' + JSON.stringify(result));
// This still results in a empty array
response.applicants = resp.applicants;
ctx.result = response;
How can I fetch the result of the upsert to the applicants model and then send it back in the application response for the api.
This is what I would do. There is certainly a better way thought but it might be a good start.
'use strict';
var app = require('../../server/server');
var models = app.models;
var Applicants;
app.on('started', function () {
Applicants = models.Applicants;
module.exports = function (Application)
Application.afterRemote('upsert', function (ctx, instance, next) {
var response = {};
response.id = ctx.result.id;
var applicants = ctx.req.body.applicants || undefined;
if (applicants) {
var resp = {"applicants": []};
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0, applicantsLength = applicants.length; i < applicantsLength; i++) {
applicants[i].application_id = ctx.result.id;
Applicants.upsert(applicants[i], function (err, result) {
if (err)
return next(err);
if (!result) {
var err = new Error("Insert into Applicant failed");
err.statusCode = 500;
return next(err);
if (count === applicantsLength) {
response.applicants = resp.applicants;
ctx.result = response;
} else {
If this is not working, you should look for the 'before save' hook.