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Beginner wanting to use optaplanner and graphhopper to solver Vehicle Routing Problem

I'm new to VRP solving. I've got optaplanner's demo VRP running.

I have about 400 text addresses as my waypoints. I've geocoded them, so I have lat/long.

I sense that I need to calculate a LOT of distances between waypoints. I've seen the file format for .vrp and as yet haven't found how to generate that format from my list of text addresses.

I sense that graphhopper might help me to do that.

I'm still getting graphopper going. I have downloaded open street map data from in PBF format. I sense that I need to use that to that data with graphhopper to generate input to optaplanner.

am I on the right track?

can someone point me to a guide? (I realise this is pretty niche, and I might have to find my way a little...)

Thanks and Regards


  • Here's the code how I generated the VRP file used in optaplanner-examples.