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I want to stop wpa_supplicant on ubuntu

I want to stop wpa_supplicant on ubuntu 14.04.

I did follow but the wpa_supplicant restarted by someone.

$ ps aux | grep wpa

root      4947  0.0  0.0  30628  4968 ?        Ss   09:41   0:00 /sbin/wpa_supplicant -B -P /run/sendsigs.omit.d/ -u -s -O /var/run/wpa_supplicant

$ sudo kill 4947

$ ps aux | grep wpa

root      5458  0.0  0.0  30628  4996 ?        Ss   09:55   0:00 /sbin/wpa_supplicant -B -P /run/sendsigs.omit.d/ -u -s -O /var/run/wpa_supplicant 

I want to know who restart the supplicant and stop wpa_supplicant abidingly. Because I am trying to test another version wpa_supplicant.


  • The brute-force way is to break wpa_supplicant by renaming it. Whatever tries to start it won't find it anymore.

    $ which wpa_supplicant 
    $ sudo mv /sbin/wpa_supplicant /sbin/wpa_supplicant_org
    $ sudo killall wpa_supplicant

    And I got a result I wanted that the wpa_supplicant cannot restart anymore.

    This method has some caveats:

    • An update might fix the package again.
    • You can't manually start wpa_supplicant when you use this method.