I like the workflow regarding column specs as described in this RStudio blog post. Basically, one can grab the column specification after a read_csv
import, and then save that down for use later. For example, from that post:
mtcars2 <- read_csv(readr_example("mtcars.csv"))
#> Parsed with column specification:
#> cols(
#> mpg = col_double(),
#> cyl = col_integer(),
#> disp = col_double(),
#> hp = col_integer(),
#> drat = col_double(),
#> wt = col_double(),
#> qsec = col_double(),
#> vs = col_integer(),
#> am = col_integer(),
#> gear = col_integer(),
#> carb = col_integer()
#> )
# Once you've figured out the correct types
mtcars_spec <- write_rds(spec(mtcars2), "mtcars2-spec.rds")
# Every subsequent load
mtcars2 <- read_csv(
col_types = read_rds("mtcars2-spec.rds")
Unfortunately, the spec objects themselves are lists with attributes, but those don't match the different column specifications as provided to the read_csv
function via the col_types
> mtcars_spec$cols$cyl
> str(mtcars_spec$cols$cyl)
- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "collector_integer" "collector"
> class(mtcars_spec)
[1] "col_spec"
Also, the .rds files are ugly for editing in Windows (at least for me).
I'd like to be able to edit a large col_spec
object (say, to skip certain columns, or otherwise edit the class). I can keep guessing at the strings I'd need to edit the list, like so:
attr(mtcars_spec$cols$cyl,"class")[1] = "collector_skip"` # this worked!
> mtcars_spec
mpg = col_double(),
cyl = col_skip(),
disp = col_double(),
hp = col_integer(),
drat = col_double(),
wt = col_double(),
qsec = col_double(),
vs = col_integer(),
am = col_integer(),
gear = col_integer(),
carb = col_integer()
But that seems awkward. Is there a more elegant way to update the column classifications, say, as in my example, to try to skip the mtcars$cyl
column? Or, if not an elegant way, a way that covers all the possible types? I don't want to do lots of guessing about how I'd implement <collector_date>
with various date formats.
Here is a minimal version of Jim Hester's Github post
test_spec <- spec_csv('x,y,theDate,skipCol
1,a,"21/01/2018", "skip1
2,z,"31/01/2018", "skip2')
#> cols(
#> x = col_integer(),
#> y = col_character(),
#> theDate = col_character(),
#> skipCol = col_character()
#> )
test_spec$cols[["theDate"]] <- col_date("%d/%m/%Y")
test_spec$cols[["skipCol"]] <- col_skip()
#> cols(
#> x = col_integer(),
#> y = col_character(),
#> theDate = col_date(format = "%d/%m/%Y"),
#> skipCol = col_skip()
#> )