I am using scalapb in a project that needs to have access to the FileDescriptorSet. Is there a way to have scalapb generate the .desc file in addition to all other class files? Or is there some programatic way of obtaining a FileDescriptorSet from what is already generated?
Yes, to both questions.
If you are using sbt-protoc
, you can have the following definition in your SBT file:
PB.protocOptions in Compile := Seq(
"--descriptor_set_out=" +
(baseDirectory in Compile).value.getParentFile / "src" / "main" / "resources" /"out.desc"
One caveat is that you would have to create src/main/resources
yourself, otherwise you would get an error. It would probably be better to generate into resourceManaged
(that would also require creating a directory ahead of time, since protoc
doesn't do that)
You can also build a FileDescriptorSet at run time. For each proto file, ScalaPB generates a Scala object with scalaDescriptor
(and also javaDescriptor
if that's more convenient). The descriptors contains a list of their dependencies which are also FileDesciptor
s - you can traverse that tree structure and build a list of FileDescriptor
s which is essentially a FileDescriptorSet