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How to add arguments to Spring AOP aspect

In Kotlin language, I configured a Spring AOP annotation like this:


annotation class Authenticated(val roles: Array<String>)

... and the aspect class like this:

class AuthenticationAspect {

    @Around("@annotation(Authenticated) && args(roles)", argNames = "roles")
    fun authenticate(joinPoint: ProceedingJoinPoint, roles: Array<String>):Any? {
            //.. do stuff
            return proceed

And in my methods I add the annotation like this:

@Authenticated(roles = ["read", "write"])
fun someMethod(msg: Pair) {
   // do stuff...

The annotation works well without arguments, i.e., the annotated method gets intercepted. But with the argument "roles" it never gets matched and I have no clue why. Any help would be much appreciated.


  • When you use "&& args(roles)" you are looking for parameters named "roles" in the target method, not in the annotation.

    You can try and change your aspect to something like this:

    fun authenticate(joinPoint: ProceedingJoinPoint, authenticated: Authenticated):Any? {
        val roles = authenticated.roles
        //.. do stuff
        return proceed