This is probably a basic question, but I can't find answers because the terms are generic.
I am building a WinForm aplication. Its purpose is to set up memory in a certain chip. I think the best way to organize the application is to have a user control for each chip type, derived from a generic parent class. Think of the children as "iphone," "android" and "blackberry," derived from a parent class "phone".
VS2017 Designer has a Panel where I want the control to be. On startup, I generate an object of the base class and add it to the panel. When I press a button, the old object is deleted and replaced with a new one. Each class has just one control, a label with distinctive text.
The problem is, after I press the button, I see both texts. The panel's Controls collection has just one element, but I see the text from both objects. I have tried Refresh, Update and Invalidate withe the same results.
What do I have to do to make the old text "go away" so the only thing I see is the latest object?
private ChipMemBase ChipMemControl = new ChipMemBase();
public Form1()
//tbFeedback.Text = string.Format(fmtString, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
cbChipName.SelectedIndex = 0;
tbVersion.Text = Version;
OriginalWindowColor = tbFeedback.BackColor;
private void ShowChipMemControl()
var ctl = pnlChipMem.GetChildAtPoint(new Point(5,5));
if (null != ctl)
if (ctl != ChipMemControl)
if (null != ChipMemControl)
private void btnMakeChipMemory_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ChipMemControl = new ChipMemGen2();
Got it. The problem was from inheritance, not window behavior. Control lblDefault in the base class, carrying the inconvenient text, was still present in the child class. I had to make it Public in the base class and remove it in the child class constructor:
lblDefault = null;
The clue was this article and project: dynamically-and-remove-a-user-control