I would love to find a way (if that's even possible?) for PhpStorm to auto complete code generated by my Factory
class without having to write a PHPDoc every time I pull a class from it.
Here is my code:
class Factory
public function getManager(string $class)
// if in cache ... returns
// not in cache > init
$manager = new $class();
return $manager;
public function doStuff($manager) {}
$factory = new Factory();
/** @var DateTime $dtClass */
$dtClass = $factory->getManager(DateTime::class);
So in order to autocomplete & silence PhpStorm warnings I've to add that line after each getManager()
calls with the corresponding class.
/** @var DateTime $dtClass */
I was wondering if a PHPDoc, a PhpStorm helper file or anything could help doing that?
* @template T
* @param string $class <T>
* @return <T>
public function getManager(string $class)
Oh My god ! thank you so much @LazyOne 🎉
I can't believe that only 10lines of code could save me so much time
So here is a quick round up.
Just create a folder .phpstorm.meta.php
at the root of your project.
Inside create a manager.meta.php
Containing just:
namespace PHPSTORM_META {
'' => '@',
Et voilà !