How can I best secure WP against a CSRF exploit when creating a new post draft?
If I add a new post and save as draft, I can intercept the request using Burp Suite.
Using the engagement tool in Burp Suite, I can change the value of the post title and paste the URL back in to the browser which creates a new draft with the changed post title.
How can I secure against this?
WordPress already provides a CSRF protection mechanism by using a nonce. When creating a new post, a new unique nonce is created. This nonce is required and must be submitted with the rest of the POST data in order for the post to be saved as a draft or be published. If the nonce is not present or invalid, the request is rejected. (Tested with Wordpress v4.9.8)
In your tests you were able to modify the draft because you submitted the correct nonce using Burp, but in a CSRF attack this value would be unknown. Burp is an intercepting proxy, so you practically performed a MITM attack on your own HTTP traffic. If you're concerned about MITM attacks you should use HTTPS. Of course an attacker could still intercept your network traffic, but all the data would be encrypted.
So, I wouldn't say that this is a CSRF exploit, but a MITM exploit. You can protect your WordPress installation from most public exploits by keeping your WordPress version, plugins and thems updated, and also you can find many security related plugins in
I think the best tool for security tests on WordPress is WPScan. It has a huge database of vulnerabilities and it can detect possible exploits and enumerate users, version and plugins. WPScan is mostly a recon tool, but we can test if the reported vulnerabilities are exploitable with Metasploit or Wpxf, a less known but powerful tool that is specialized on WordPress exploitation. Note that those tools can only detect and exploit public exploits. If you want to discover new vulnerabilities then you could use Burp or similar scanners and study the WordPress source code.
If I have misunderstood the question, and you have a form that doesn't have a nonce (let's say you're writting a plugin), you can add a nonce with wp_nonce_field
and then verify it in the script that receives the form with wp_verify_nonce
However, if you have a WordPress installation that doesn't use a nonce with its forms, you shouldn't try to add a nonce manually, but update to a newer version.