To practice my Haskell skills, I'm following the Write Yourself a Scheme tutorial. I've implemented a parser for s-expressions, but I'm having trouble with the printing function.
When I run the following program
main :: IO ()
main = do args <- getArgs
putStrLn $ readExpr (args !! 0)
it parses the s-expressions correctly, but when I define my own shows
instead of deriving
it, I get erroneous output for nested lists and lists inside vectors:
$ ./parser "(1 (2) 3)"
(1 (2 3))
$ ./parser "#(1 (2) 3)"
#(1 (2 3))
$ ./parser "(1 (2 (3)) 4)"
(1 (2 (3 4)))
$ ./parser "(1 (2 (3)) (4))"
(1 (2 (3 (4))))
Other cases and nested vectors work fine, though:
lars@zygmunt:~/src/scm48$ ./parser "(1 #(2) 3)"
(1 #(2) 3)
lars@zygmunt:~/src/scm48$ ./parser "#(1 #(2) 3)"
#(1 #(2) 3)
lars@zygmunt:~/src/scm48$ ./parser "(1 (2 3))"
(1 (2 3))
I've changed the representation of LispVal
to include Nil
and Pair
constructors instead of List
and DottedList
, as these match better with the Scheme data model. Printing lists is done by
showsVal :: Value -> ShowS
showsVal Nil = ("()" ++)
showsVal (Pair x y) = ("(" ++) . showsPair x y . (++ ")")
showsVal (String s) = shows s
showsVal (Symbol n) = (n ++)
showsVal (Number x) = shows x
showsVal (Boolean True) = ("#t" ++)
showsVal (Boolean False) = ("#f" ++)
showsVal (Vector v) = ("#(" ++) . showsVec v . (")" ++)
showsPair x Nil = showsVal x
showsPair x (Pair y z) = (showsVal x) . (" " ++) . showsPair y z
showsPair x y = (showsVal x) . (" . " ++) . (showsVal y)
showsVec [] = id
showsVec [x] = shows x
showsVec (x:xs) = shows x . (" " ++) . showsVec xs
I suspect the error is in showsPair
, but I just can't figure it out.
I found out myself:
showsVal (Pair x y) = ("(" ++) . showsPair x y . (++ ")")
should have been
showsVal (Pair x y) = ("(" ++) . showsPair x y . (")" ++)
-- ^^^^^^