I am using Excel 2010, Windows 10, with VBA. I have a function which runs upon clicking an item in an ActiveX ListBox
control. The issue is that if you click the list box I ask if they are sure if they want to change the selection. If you click "yes" I continue, but if you say "no" I set the selection back to what it previously was.
So the issue is that when I programmatically set the list box selection back to the previous selection my function will re-run the code that runs if a user clicks an item in the list box ...which is what I don't want.
Does anyone have a better way to stop a list box selection and change it back to the old one without causing the on list box selection event to trigger?
Function prototype for on click of the list box
Code for setting the list box selection
'Prototype: setListBoxSelection(query As String, listBoxName As String) As Boolean
' Purpose: Set listbox selection based on text
Public Function setListBoxSelection(query As String, listBoxName As String) As Boolean
Dim lsBox As MSForms.listBox
Set lsBox = Workbooks(mainFile).Worksheets(entrySheet).OLEObjects(listBoxName).Object
Dim I As Integer
For I = 0 To lsBox.ListCount - 1
If lsBox.List(I) = query Then
lsBox.Selected(I) = True
setListBoxSelection = True
Exit Function
End If
Next I
setListBoxSelection = False
End Function
Please note that I think the line of code below is what is triggering my click event which is what I don't want.
lsBox.Selected(I) = True
The way I do this with my VB6 projects is to define a module-scope variable
Private blnChangingInCode As Boolean
Then, when I need to utilize it, I set it to true, call the even/sub, set it back to false.
blnChangingInCode = True
blnChangingInCode = False
Inside the affected subs/events I start with
If blnChangingInCode Then
Exit Sub ' or Exit Function
End if
This might not be elegant, but it works, and I don't need to do it very often.