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Pausing and Resuming CAEmitterLayer Multiple of Times

I have a CAEmitterLayer instance that I want to pause and then resume multiple times.

I have found various ways to do this using two CAEmitterLayer extension functions:

public func pause() {
    speed = 0.0 // Freeze existing cells.
    timeOffset = convertTime(CACurrentMediaTime(), from: self)
    lifetime = 0.0 // Stop creating new cells.


public func resume() {
    speed = 1.0
    beginTime = convertTime(CACurrentMediaTime(), from: self) - timeOffset
    timeOffset = 0.0
    lifetime = 1.0

The first occasion of using emitterLayer.pause() and emitterLayer.resume() works perfectly.

However, from the second occasion onwards, whenever I use emitterLayer.pause(), the emitterCells jump slightly forward in time.

Can anybody out there help me resolve this jumping problem, please?


  • I needed to adjust the timeOffset in the pause() method. This is a working extension for pausing and resuming a CAEmitterLayer instance:

    extension CAEmitterLayer {
         Pauses a CAEmitterLayer.
        public func pause() {
            speed = 0.0 // Freeze the CAEmitterCells.
            timeOffset = convertTime(CACurrentMediaTime(), from: self) - beginTime
            lifetime = 0.0 // Produce no new CAEmitterCells.
         Resumes a paused CAEmitterLayer.
        public func resume() {
            speed = 1.0 // Unfreeze the CAEmitterCells.
            beginTime = convertTime(CACurrentMediaTime(), from: self) - timeOffset
            timeOffset = 0.0
            lifetime = 1.0 // Produce CAEmitterCells at previous rate.

    Use as:

    var emitterLayer = CAEmitterLayer()
    /// Configure as required