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CrlTab in vmwClarity with Angular2

I have a list with months in Angular2 -> vmwCLARITY.

My problem is that I want for default the first month Active, but I get or the last month selected ->

CODE HTML --->>>>

Here I get 1 object with booleans, then I use a function for active my crl-tab. Also, I disabled some months. Then I need selected the first month enabled.

The code is same for all months.

        <button clrTabLink id="january"  [disabled]="!selectedMonths.jan" (click)="changeMonth(1)">Enero</button>
        <clr-tab-content id="january" *clrIfActive="isActive(selectedMonths.jan)">
        <button clrTabLink id="february"  [disabled]="!selectedMonths.feb" (click)="changeMonth(2)">Febrero</button>
        <clr-tab-content id="february" *clrIfActive="isActive(selectedMonths.feb)">
        <button clrTabLink id="march"   [disabled]="!selectedMonths.mar" (click)="changeMonth(3)">Marzo</button>
        <clr-tab-content *clrIfActive="isActive(selectedMonths.mar)">
        <button clrTabLink id="april"  [disabled]="!selectedMonths.apr" (click)="changeMonth(4)">Abril</button>
        <clr-tab-content *clrIfActive="isActive(selectedMonths.apr)">
        <button clrTabLink id="may"   [disabled]="!selectedMonths.may" (click)="changeMonth(5)">Mayo</button>
        <clr-tab-content *clrIfActive="isActive(selectedMonths.may)">
        <button clrTabLink id="june"  [disabled]="!selectedMonths.jun" (click)="changeMonth(6)">Junio</button>
        <clr-tab-content *clrIfActive="isActive(selectedMonths.jun)">
        <button clrTabLink id="juli"   [disabled]="!selectedMonths.jul" (click)="changeMonth(7)">Julio</button>
        <clr-tab-content *clrIfActive="isActive(selectedMonths.jul)">
        <button clrTabLink id="august" [disabled]="!selectedMonths.aug" (click)="changeMonth(8)">Agosto</button>
        <clr-tab-content *clrIfActive="isActive(selectedMonths.aug)">
        <button clrTabLink id="september" [disabled]="!selectedMonths.sep" (click)="changeMonth(9)">Septiembre</button>
        <clr-tab-content *clrIfActive="isActive(selectedMonths.sep)">
        <button clrTabLink id="october"   [disabled]="!selectedMonths.oct" (click)="changeMonth(10)">Octubre</button>
        <clr-tab-content *clrIfActive="isActive(selectedMonths.oct)">
        <button clrTabLink id="november"  [disabled]="!selectedMonths.nov" (click)="changeMonth(11)">Noviembre</button>
        <clr-tab-content *clrIfActive="isActive(selectedMonths.nov)">
        <button clrTabLink id="december"   [disabled]="!selectedMonths.dec" (click)="changeMonth(12)">Diciembre</button>
        <clr-tab-content *clrIfActive="isActive(selectedMonths.dec)">

Component.ts ->

 public selectedMonths = this.service.months;
 // Usada para que la marca roja se posicione en el primer mes activo
 public redMark: boolean = false;

    isActive(month: boolean) { 
        if (!this.redMark && month) {
            this.redMark = true;
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

 changeMonth() {
        this.redMark = false;

Here I get the Object->moths from my service.ts, I use a boolean for stop the red mark.

Now I have a problem because All months having *clrIfActive = false, I got selected first month enabled but now I can't change other month...

Example ->

enter image description here

My red mark start in Julio, perfect, but If I do click in december, my red mark is in Julio .....

I changed this for -->

isActive(month: boolean) { 
      return month;

Now my user can select other month, the problem is that the red mark is in December ....

Example --->

enter image description here

Now I can select other month, but the problem is that my app start with red mark in the last month enabled ....

I need start app with the red Mark in the first month enabled.


Edit ->

Change Month -> I get month selected for my user, and then I call the fecht data for I can get the datas that month.

 public changeMonth = function (month: number) {
        this.redMark = false;
        this.month = month;

                data => {
                    this.params = data;


  • By default, the first tab is going to be displayed unless you specify otherwise.

    In your case, you want to have *clrIfActive="true" for the first non-disabled tab. Since you didn't share the code of your component I cannot help you with that, but it shouldn't be too hard to iterate over the months to find which one it is.