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Alamofire request changes method name on its own

I am using the following code:

func readInfo()
    let customHeader : HTTPHeaders = [
                "X-AUTH-TOKEN" : accessToken
    let body : Parameters = [
    Alamofire.SessionManager.default.session.configuration.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 1000
    Alamofire.request(requestAddress, method: .get, parameters: body , encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: customHeader).responseJSON { 

    response in

     //utility code           


It works perfect when this runs for the first time but when this is run more than once (in say less than 30 seconds), my server gives the error: o.s.web.servlet.PageNotFound : Request method 'T' not supported

Also I get status code 405 in Alamofire response. This is unexpected since I was sending .get request. Why is this happening and how should I avoid it? I am unable to understand.

Also, note that this is not a server error because the requests work as expected when run on Postman.


  • There were no errors with the cache or timeout. The error was with encoding. I had to save it to URLEncoding.httpBody to make the request work as expected. I still don't understand why it worked once and not for the second time for a certain seconds. Strange case but yes this was the solution. Please leave a comment to help me and others understand why this may have happened.