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Logging from the Spring Integration DSL to the database

I'm doing the application with the Spring Integration Java DSL.

What is the best way to log to the database using the Spring Data JPA from the application?

I have a quite long integration flow with the multiple HTTP gets and posts. I want at least log the sent and responded messages and which URLs were used and possible some other custom values.

I have tried the logging with the method IntegrationFlowBuilder.log. With that my plan would be create some custom logger, which logs to the database.

I have tried the method IntegrationFlowBuilder.enrichHeaders with the method IntegrationFlowBuilder.log to log the URLSs and the other custom values. How to change some header entry inside the IntegrationFlowBuilder? I have added the entry with same key and different value, but the value in the logging doesn't change.


  • The HeaderEnricherSpec for the enrichHeaders() provides an option like:

     * Determine the default action to take when setting individual header specifications
     * without an explicit 'overwrite' argument.
     * @param defaultOverwrite the defaultOverwrite.
     * @return the header enricher spec.
     * @see HeaderEnricher#setDefaultOverwrite(boolean)
    public HeaderEnricherSpec defaultOverwrite(boolean defaultOverwrite) {

    Also each added entry into the headers can be specified with their own override flag:

     * Add a single header specification where the value is a String representation of a
     * SpEL {@link Expression}.
     * @param name the header name.
     * @param expression the expression.
     * @param overwrite true to overwrite an existing header.
     * @return the header enricher spec.
    public HeaderEnricherSpec headerExpression(String name, String expression, Boolean overwrite) {