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TypeScript and chai-as-promsied: eventually is an invalid property

I am trying to write my Cucumber tests using TypScript, like this:

import { browser, $$ } from 'protractor';
import { Given, Then } from 'cucumber'
import { expect } from 'chai';

Given('I navigate to the homepage', function (callback) {

Then('I want to see the welcome message {string}', function (message, callback) {

However, Protractor complains:

Error: Invalid Chai property: eventually

How can I import this? I have tried:

import { eventual } from 'chai-as-promised';

but this doesn't work. How can I accomplish this? I have also tried rewriting the Then call using await, but the compiler complains that you cannot mix callbacks with async functions. Aargh!


  • In your protractor configuration, add the following lines at the end of the onPrepare function :

    onPrepare: function() {
     // Load chai assertions
     const chai = require('chai');
     const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');
     // Load chai-as-promised support
     // Initialise should API (attaches as a property on Object)

    When using async function you should remove the callback from the function signature.

    Then('I want to see the welcome message {string}',
    async function (message) {
      await chai.expect($$('h1').first().getText())