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Adding EventLog as target in NLog for .NET Core app causes Parsing configuration error

I have a .NET Core Console app where I use NLog. When I try to add EventLog as target in the nlog.config the load of the configuration failes with the following:

System.ArgumentException: Target cannot be found: 'EventLog'.

I have found a similar question in stackoverflow: NLog not writing to eventlog .NET Core 2.1. And the suggested solution is to add the Nuget-package NLog.WindowsEventLog which I have. And the version I have downloaded is 4.5.10 so it should not have the bug in v. 4.5.7 mentioned in the other stackoverflow post. And it still does not work.

Here is some information:

  • BCL: .NETCore.App (2.1.2)
  • Dependencies from NLog:
    • NLog (4.5.10)
    • NLog.Extensions.Logging (1.3.0)
    • NLog.WindowsEventLog (4.5.10)

And here is the nlog.config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- XSD manual extracted from package NLog.Schema:>
<nlog xmlns="" 
      internalLogLevel="Trace" >

     <!-- the targets to write to -->
          <target xsi:type="EventLog" name="eventlog" source="testlogging" 
log="Application" layout="${message}" />

  <!-- rules to map from logger name to target -->
    <logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="eventlog" />

Have I missed something?


  • add to your config, after the <nlog ...>

       <add assembly="NLog.WindowsEventLog"/>

    if that won't work, check the internal log: