I am connecting to a H2 database using RJDBC (DBI). Fields that are null in the database are being implicitly converted to 0 in R dataframes resulting from calls the dbReadTable or dbGetQuery functions.
I have struggled to find any documentation on this but have found at least one other reference to the problem from someone using RJDBC connecting to a mysql database so I don't currently expect the problem to be with H2.
I would much prefer a NA or NULL where the database value is null. Is there some optional parameter or other means of preventing the RJDBC driver with DBI in R from implicitly replacing database null values?
EDIT: This appears to only happen for columns with a numeric type. VARCHAR based columns converted to factors appear to have NAs for database NULLs. Is implicit 0 conversion a known bug (or dangerous feature) of RJDBC handling NULLs in numeric columns?
It turns out the implicit null to 0 conversion is a "feature" of the JDBC API that RJDBC is a thin wrapper around.
Consider me flabbergasted.
The latest development version of RJDBC 0.1-6 available on CRAN now works around this mendacious behavior and correctly returns NA for numeric SQL nulls.