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/swagger-resources/configuration/ui 404 error

I'm running in springfox v2.7.0 in my java spring based application. We have 3 dispatch serverlets configured in web.xml:

1)common springmvc servlet [Active]


2 ) springmvc-v1 servlet [inactive]: which is disabled by commenting out it in web.xml and not in use.


3)springmvc-v2 servlet [Active]: for this I am implimenting swagger.



And it works fine, and i can get to the swagger-resources from here: https://localhost:9002/mywebservices/v2/swagger-resources

And i can view the api from here: https://localhost:9002/mywebservices/v2/v2/api-docs

And Swagger-UI is accessible from here: https://localhost:9002/mywebservices/swagger-ui.html

The problem is when i load the https://localhost:9002/mywebservices/swagger-ui.html page it is trying to access the swagger-resources from here: https://localhost:9002/mywebservices/swagger-resources

And they are not available. But it is available at https://localhost:9002/mywebservices/v2/swagger-resources

How can i fix this so that the swagger-ui.html : I think Swagger-ui.html should be available at: https://localhost:9002/mywebservices/v2/swagger-ui.html so that springfox.js will get the right baseUrl.

https://localhost:9002/mywebservices/swagger-ui.html >>> pages loads but gives popup to enter the Base URL

https://localhost:9002/mywebservices/swagger-resources/configuration/ui >>> gives 404 hence popup appears

https://localhost:9002/mywebservices/webjars/springfox-swagger-ui/springfox.js >>> Able to access.This is working fine.

Please suggest the solution. Thanks in advance.


  • I was facing the same problem.

    The solution was to map on the MVC config of your app, manually the Controller managing the mapping of swagger-resources that exists on swagger-common.jar. The package value is "springfox.documentation.swagger.web". The configuration, depending on your app, should look similar that the one shown below:

    @ComponentScan(basePackages = { ApplicationPackages.REST_CONTROLLER_BASE_PACKAGE,
            "springfox.documentation.swagger.web" })
    public class MvcConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {