i got a form (using form api and drupal_Get form ) and i got a form with 50 fields and some of them are non frequently chaning data like hobbies, year of birth , city/country etc... i currently do just them in array in file and put them in #options=>$array ... is that the fastest way to save resources? or should i use taxonomy/variable_set/database query/block/node or whatever?
: Is generally used to store admin preferences for the site. If these are user specific I don't think it's a good idea to save them using variable_set
: Can also be used for populating the values of
drop-downs, that is for options in the listing. In your case create a vocabulary
called hobbies and add
swimming,reading,drupaling as terms.
Then use the content-taxonomy
to use taxonomy terms as drop downs using CCK moudule.
: Anything that is user
specific should go in as nodes. And
any content that can be created by
the users should also go in as nodes.