How do I make adding in a custom Macro XLAM file as quick and simple as possible?
I have a macro saved as a XLAM file. I want other non-Excel-savvy people I work to be able to download the XLAM file, add it in like you would with any other add-in (e.g. Solver) and have it be a simple fool-proof process.
However, currently it involves adding it in, then going to the file > options > customize ribbon > Macros > MyFancyMacroAddin. Then clicking on the add in, then creating a new tab and sub group, to which the add-in can me moved from the left column to the right column. This is a long, error-prone process. Whenever I add in something like Solver, it just pops up in my toolbar after adding it in. However, it requires more steps it seems when doing a custom XLAM.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
To create create/edit the ribbon in Excel use Custom UI Editor Tool. Here are some sources for creating the XML:
I use XCOPY in a .bat file for installing my .xlam files to user machines. I'll setup a folder on a network share e.g. S:\Addins\MyFancyMacroAddin
and put the .xlam and .bat file in it. Then I distribute a shortcut to the .bat file to the end-users. It copies the file from the current directory to the XLSTART folder on their machine.
You can click on the animation below to view it a bit easier.
REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM | Purpose: Generic Excel Addin Install
REM |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM /E = Copies directories and sub-directories, including empty ones. Same as /S /E. May be used to modify /T.
REM /D:m-d-y = Copies files changed on or after the specified date.
REM If no date is given, copies only those files whose source time is newer than the destination time.
REM /K = Copies attributes. Normal Xcopy will reset read-only attributes.
REM /Q = Does not display file names while copying.
REM /R = Overwrites read-only files.
REM /Y = Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing destination file.
REM Copy the install directory and sub-directories
REM echo f | XCOPY ".\MyFancyMacroAddin.xlam" "%AppData%\Microsoft\AddIns\MyFancyMacroAddin.xlam" /E /K /Q /R /Y /D
echo f | XCOPY ".\MyFancyMacroAddin.xlam" "%AppData%\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\MyFancyMacroAddin.xlam" /E /K /Q /R /Y /D
REM echo f | XCOPY ".\MyFancyMacroAddin.xlam" "%AppData%\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\MyFancyMacroAddin.xlam" /E /K /Q /R /Y /D