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Is there an easy way to remove specific buttons from the Trix toolbar without having to create a custom toolbar

Is there an easy way to do that to remove the "decrease level" and "increase level" buttons from the trix toolbar?

Right now I'm achieving this by simply rendering a custom toolbar, without the offending buttons, using the following haml:

    %span.trix-button-group.trix-button-group--text-tools{"data-trix-button-group" => "text-tools"}
      %button.trix-button.trix-button--icon.trix-button--icon-bold{"data-trix-attribute" => "bold", "data-trix-key" => "b", :tabindex => "-1", :title => "Bold", :type => "button"} Bold
      %button.trix-button.trix-button--icon.trix-button--icon-italic{"data-trix-attribute" => "italic", "data-trix-key" => "i", :tabindex => "-1", :title => "Italic", :type => "button"} Italic
      %button.trix-button.trix-button--icon.trix-button--icon-link.trix-active{"data-trix-action" => "link", "data-trix-active" => "", "data-trix-attribute" => "href", "data-trix-key" => "k", :tabindex => "-1", :title => "Link", :type => "button"} Link
    %span.trix-button-group.trix-button-group--block-tools{"data-trix-button-group" => "block-tools"}
      %button.trix-button.trix-button--icon.trix-button--icon-heading-1{"data-trix-attribute" => "heading1", :tabindex => "-1", :title => "Heading", :type => "button"} Heading
      %button.trix-button.trix-button--icon.trix-button--icon-quote{"data-trix-attribute" => "quote", :tabindex => "-1", :title => "Quote", :type => "button"} Quote
      %button.trix-button.trix-button--icon.trix-button--icon-code{"data-trix-attribute" => "code", :tabindex => "-1", :title => "Code", :type => "button"} Code
      %button.trix-button.trix-button--icon.trix-button--icon-bullet-list{"data-trix-attribute" => "bullet", :tabindex => "-1", :title => "Bullets", :type => "button"} Bullets
      %button.trix-button.trix-button--icon.trix-button--icon-number-list{"data-trix-attribute" => "number", :tabindex => "-1", :title => "Numbers", :type => "button"} Numbers
    %span.trix-button-group.trix-button-group--history-tools{"data-trix-button-group" => "history-tools"}
      %button.trix-button.trix-button--icon.trix-button--icon-undo{"data-trix-action" => "undo", "data-trix-key" => "z", :disabled => "disabled", :tabindex => "-1", :title => "Undo", :type => "button"} Undo
      %button.trix-button.trix-button--icon.trix-button--icon-redo{"data-trix-action" => "redo", "data-trix-key" => "shift+z", :disabled => "disabled", :tabindex => "-1", :title => "Redo", :type => "button"} Redo
  .trix-dialogs{"data-trix-dialogs" => ""}
    .trix-dialog.trix-dialog--link.trix-active{"data-trix-active" => "", "data-trix-dialog" => "href", "data-trix-dialog-attribute" => "href"}
        %input.trix-input.trix-input--dialog{"aria-label" => "URL", "data-trix-input" => "", :name => "href", :placeholder => "Enter a URL…", :required => "", :type => "url"}/
          %input.trix-button.trix-button--dialog{"data-trix-method" => "setAttribute", :type => "button", :value => "Link"}/
          %input.trix-button.trix-button--dialog{"data-trix-method" => "removeAttribute", :type => "button", :value => "Unlink"}/
%trix-editor{ input: 'about_page_body', class: 'trix-editor', tabindex: '2', toolbar: 'trix-toolbar-1' }

But I'd prefer if I could just do this in javascript, in case the API changes. Something along the lines of the following would be better:

Trix.config.blockAttributes.decreaseBlockLevel.hide = true
Trix.config.blockAttributes.increaseBlockLevel.hide = true


  • Found a very easy way:

    .trix-button--icon-decrease-nesting-level { display: none; }

    CSS to the rescue.