In a library that Im using it has the following bean defined.
package co.random.core;
public class ApiEndpoints {
private String testApi;
public String getTestApi() {
return testApi;
This is then injected in another part of the library as,
ApiEndpoints apiEndpoints;
Is there anyway to override this bean ?
I tried the following in my code,
public class ApiConfiguration {
@Bean(name = "apiEndpoints")
public CustomEndpoints getCustomApiEndpoints() {
return new CustomEndpoints();
But this would throw the error,
Field apiEndpoints in co.random.core.RandomService required a bean of type 'co.random.core.ApiEndpoints' that could not be found.
That bean was overridden, but the new bean you defined doesn't respect the type expected to be autowired.
Your bean must be of type (or extend) ApiEndpoints