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Overriding a Spring bean

In a library that Im using it has the following bean defined.

package co.random.core;

public class ApiEndpoints {

    private String testApi;

    public String getTestApi() {
        return testApi;

This is then injected in another part of the library as,

ApiEndpoints apiEndpoints;

Is there anyway to override this bean ?

I tried the following in my code,

public class ApiConfiguration {

    @Bean(name = "apiEndpoints")
    public CustomEndpoints getCustomApiEndpoints() {
        return new CustomEndpoints();

But this would throw the error,

Field apiEndpoints in co.random.core.RandomService required a bean of type 'co.random.core.ApiEndpoints' that could not be found.


  • That bean was overridden, but the new bean you defined doesn't respect the type expected to be autowired. Your bean must be of type (or extend) ApiEndpoints.