I have the following chunk of code:
observeEvent(subsettedData(), {
lapply(col_names, function(var) {
selections <- unique(subsettedData()[[var]])
if (length(input[[var]]) == 0)
updateSelectInput(session = session, inputId = var, choices = selections)
I would like to rework it to incorporate the fact that the inputId
is different than the column names in the subsetted data.
Instead of the above code applying over col_names
I am trying to apply it this way with 2 variables:
observeEvent(subsettedData(), {
lapply(col_names, col_aliases, function(cn, an) {
selections <- unique(subsettedData()[[cn]])
if (length(input[[cn]]) == 0)
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = an, choices = selections)
However, it is not working.
I think you are looking for mapply()
observeEvent(subsettedData(), {
mapply(FUN = function(cn, an) {
selections <- unique(subsettedData()[[cn]])
if (length(input[[cn]]) == 0)
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = an, choices = selections)
}, cn = col_names, an = col_aliases)
(untested, because code is not reproducible,...)