I have many bifurcation plots to do so I want to do something that can be easily modified. The enclosed code is an initial attempt.
p1 = Plot[{Sqrt[a], -Sqrt[a]}, {a, -3, 6}];
horiz = Graphics@
Line[ {{-3, 2}, {6, 2}} ];(*horizontal line at y=2 *)
horiz2 = Graphics@
Line[ {{-3, -2}, {6, -2}} ];(*horizontal line at y=2 *)
vertm = Graphics@
Line[ {{-1, -2}, {-1, 2}} ];(*vertical line at a=-1 *)
vert0 = Graphics@
Line[ {{ 0, -2}, {0, 2}} ];(*vertical line at a=0 *)
vert1 = Graphics@
Line[ {{ 1, -2}, {1, 2}} ];(*vertical line at a=1 *)
vert2 = Graphics@
Line[ {{ 2, -2}, {2, 2}} ];(*vertical line at a=21 *)
vert3 = Graphics@
Line[ {{ 3, -2}, {3, 2}} ];(*vertical line at a=3 *)
vert4 = Graphics@
Line[ {{ 4, -2}, {4, 2}} ];(*vertical line at a=4 *)
vert5 = Graphics@
Line[ {{ 5, -2}, {5, 2}} ];(*vertical line at a=5 *)
Show[p1, horiz, horiz2, vertm, vert0, vert1, vert2, vert3, vert4, \
I want all of the parabola to be red, not blue and gold and in bold so it stands out. It would be nice to label each of the vertical lines below such as a=1. Can you help? Thank you.
Sincerely, MM
p1 = Plot[{0, -a}, {a, -4, 4}, PlotRange -> {-4, 4},
AxesLabel -> {"a", "y=f_a(y)=dy/dt"},
PlotStyle -> { {Red, Thickness[0.007]}, {Red,
Thickness[0.005]} }];
vertm3 = Graphics@{Line[{ {-3, -3.5}, {-3, 3.0} }],
Text["a = -3", {-3, 3.5}]};
vertm2 = Graphics@{Line[{ {-2, -3.5}, {-2, 3.0} }],
Text["a = -2", {-2, 3.5}]};
vertm = Graphics@{Line[{ {-1, -3.5}, {-1, 3.0} }],
Text["a = -1", {-1, 3.5}]};
vert0 =
Graphics@{Line[{ { 0, -3.5}, { 0, 3.0} }],
Text[ "a = 0", {0, 3.5}]};
vert1 = Graphics@{Line[{ { 1, -3.5}, { 1, 3.0} }],
Text[ "a = 1", {1, 3.5}]};
vert2 = Graphics@{Line[{ { 2, -3.5}, { 2, 3.0} }],
Text[ "a = 2", {2, 3.5}]};
vert3 = Graphics@{Line [{ { 3, -3.5}, { 3, 3.0} }],
Text[ "a = 3", {3, 3.5}]};
Show[p1, vertm3, vertm2, vertm, vert0, vert1, vert2, vert3,
Epilog -> {PointSize -> Large,
Point[{{-3, 0}, {-3, 3}, {-2, 0}, {-2, 2}, {-1, 0}, {-1,
1}, {0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, -1}, {2, 0}, {2, -2}, {3,
0}, {3, -3}}] }]