I was trying to scrap the first post of every topics in sitepoint javascript forum. But The DOM Parser would give me ALL THE POSTS OF EVERY TOPICS IN SITE POINT JAVASCRIPT FORUM. Maybe I didn't traverse the DOM correctly ? Below is my code:
class Sitepoint extends Controller
public function index()
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
echo '<ol>';
$html = file_get_html('http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/javascript-15');
foreach($html->find('a[id^="thread_title"]') as $topic) {
$post =$topic->href;
$posthtml = file_get_html($post);
$posthtml->find('div[id^="post_message"]', 0);
echo $topic->plaintext.'<br>';
echo $posthtml->plaintext.'<br>';
echo '</ol>';
You forgot to assign the result of $posthtml->find
to a variable:
foreach($html->find('a[id^="thread_title"]') as $topic) {
$post =$topic->href;
$posthtml = file_get_html($post);
$posttext = $posthtml->find('div[id^="post_message_"]', 0);
echo $topic->plaintext.'<br>';
echo $posttext->plaintext.'<br>';