I want to convert an (at least I think) array of UInt8 values to Data.
Using Data(bytes: variable) does not work here.
Here's the type of the variable:
po type(of: obj.variable)
(Swift.UInt8, Swift.UInt8, Swift.UInt8, Swift.UInt8)
It seems that this isn't an array of UInt8 but what type is it and how can I convert it to a Data?
The type of obj
is a tuple of four UInt8
You can access elements of the tuple as follows:
let obj: (UInt8, UInt8, UInt8, UInt8) = (2, 4, 6, 8) // let obj be a tuple of four UInt8 values
obj.0 // 2
obj.1 // 4
As Data
is effectively a Collection
of bytes, it can be initialized from a sequence of UInt8
So the easiest solution would just be to create an Array
from the elements of the tuple and initialize a Data
value from it:
let data = Data([obj.0, obj.1, obj.2, obj.3])
This is however not the most general solution and only works when the tuple only contains UInt8
A more general approach would be to convert the tuple to an UnsafePointer
first and create a Data
value from it:
let data = withUnsafePointer(to: &obj) { ptr -> Data in
return Data(bytes: ptr, count: MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: obj)