My application is giving an error on different installation based on their different date/time format which my codes are based on
for example below original code ;
Private Sub DateTimePicker1_ValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles DTPTarihSec.ValueChanged
Dim BaslangicTarihi As Date
Dim BitisTarihi As Date
BaslangicTarihi = "16/04/1996" 'TCMB kayıtları en eski bu tarihe kadar
BitisTarihi = Date.Today
If hatasayac = False Then
SecilenTarih = DTPTarihSec.Value
End If
hatasayac = False
If (SecilenTarih > BitisTarihi) Then
MsgBox("İleri tarihli kur bilgileri bulunmamaktadır. Lütfen uygun bir tarih giriniz. " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &
"Kurların geçerli olduğu en son tarihe yönlendirildiniz !", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "TCMB Döviz Kurları")
hatasayac = True
If Now.DayOfWeek.ToString = "Cumartesi" Or Now.DayOfWeek.ToString = "Saturday" Then
SecilenTarih = Date.Today.AddDays(-1)
DTPTarihSec.Value = Date.Today.AddDays(-1)
ElseIf Now.DayOfWeek.ToString = "Pazar" Or Now.DayOfWeek.ToString = "Sunday" Then
SecilenTarih = Date.Today.AddDays(-2)
DTPTarihSec.Value = Date.Today.AddDays(-2)
SecilenTarih = Date.Today
DTPTarihSec.Value = Date.Today
End If
End If
is giving following error on one of the user computer ;
Unhandled exception has occurred in your application... If you click Quit, the application will close immediately. Conversation from string "16/04/1996" by type 'Date' is not valid.
This is because of the following code line ;
BaslangicTarihi = "16/04/1996" 'TCMB kayıtları en eski bu tarihe kadar
BitisTarihi = Date.Today
If hatasayac = False Then
SecilenTarih = DTPTarihSec.Value
End If
but it is not giving error on my computer.
My question is about ;How to handle this error which will prevent all different date and time format on different computer
Don't use string to populate a date variable, use a date.
Dim BaslangicTarihi = New Datetime(1996, 04, 16)
I would suggest you turn Option Strict On.
Also, you should properly use the enum for DayOfWeek instead of the string.
If Now.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Saturday Then