The following example code allows to add an outline (or "bookmark" in Acrobat's terminology) to a existing PDFDocument pdfDoc
with label Page n pointing to page number n where n is the passed argument pageNum
void insertOutline( PDFDocument *pdfDoc, NSUInteger pageNum )
PDFOutline *otl,
NSString *label = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Page %lu", (unsigned long)pageNum + 1];
PDFDestination *destination;
PDFAction *action;
NSPoint point = {FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX};
PDFPage *page;
// Build the outline
page = [pdfDoc pageAtIndex: pageNum];
destination = [[PDFDestination alloc] initWithPage:page atPoint:point];
action = [[PDFActionGoTo alloc] initWithDestination: destination];
root = [pdfDoc outlineRoot];
otl = [[PDFOutline alloc] init];
[otl setLabel: label];
[otl setAction: action];
// Insert the outline
[root insertChild: otl atIndex: pageNum];
// Release resources
[otl release];
[action release];
[destination release];
The outline created is added as child to the root outline at the top of the document's outline hierarchy tree.
A problem arises attempting to add an outline to a PDF that does not contain any outline yet.
In that case root = [pdfDoc outlineRoot];
will result in root
set to NULL
and the code that follows obviously fail.
If I open the source document with Acrobat Pro and add manually a single outline/bookmark then the code works.
The question is: how can I add to the PDFDocument a root outline when it is missing?
By looking at Apple's reference here PDFDocument
class provides a method to set the outline root.
So the fix is:
root = [pdfDoc outlineRoot];
if( ! root )
root = [[PDFOutline alloc] init];
[pdfDoc setOutlineRoot: root];