I'm writing this little program learning Python and I have faced a problem. I use tabulate with number formatting set to 5 numbers after separator, to make everything look nice, and it works, until I print text in the table. After text is printed (stating that you cannot divide by 0), formatting on that column seems to be gone.
The code is:
if skaiciuoti == True:
while bp <= bg:
if (bp-a != 0):
y = float(a / (bp - a))
bp = bp + bz
elif (bp - a == 0):
sk3.append('Veiksmas negalimas (dalyba is 0)')
bp = bp + bz
lentele = ['A reiksme', 'B reiksme', 'Y reiksme']
duomenys = zip(sk1, sk2, sk3)
print(tabulate (duomenys, headers=lentele, floatfmt=".5f", tablefmt="grid"))
Here are pictures to better illustrate my problem:
Working one
Broken one
I have tried formatting the number before appending it to the list, but it didn't work.
Any suggestions and ideas are welcome.
Okay, I've managed to fix it myself. It was really not that hard, I just didn't think about it.
The solution that worked for me was to format number when appending it to the list (not before the list) like so
sk3.append(format(y, '.5f'))