I'm trying to use the hl7codec in apache mina. I can see how to do it using spring e.g.
beans:bean id="hl7codec" class="org.apache.camel.component.hl7.HL7MLLPCodec"
beans:property name="charset" value="iso-8859-1"
but can't figure out how to do it using POJO / DSL i.e. my route is specified as
but this can't resolve the #hl7codec id.
Given an allergy to Spring, can anyone suggest an alternative way of specifying the codec or replicating the Spring dependency injection?
If you are not using Spring at all, you need to enlist the hl7codec in the Camel registry. In pure Java you can do this by
SimpleRegistry reg = new SimpleRegistry();
reg.put("hl7codec", new MyCodecObject());
CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext(reg);
The Camel in Action book covers this in chapter 4, section 4.3.1