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Access OpenShift forwarded ports from remote host

I would like to connect to a PostgreSQL (9.6) cluster that runs inside OpenShift (3.9) using port forwarding as described here. To this end I set up and sanity-check port forwarding on a jump host (outside the OpenShift cluster) like this:

oc port-forward $pod 5432:5432
netstat -ln | grep 5432 # "tcp 0 0* LISTEN"
psql -U postgres -h localhost # OK
psql -U postgres -h $(hostname -i) # error: "connection refused"

So it looks as if port forwarding listens only for localhost, but not the host's other IP address(es). Ultimately I want to connect to the database thru the jump host from another remote hosts, so `localhost' won't suffice.

How can I set up (OpenShift) port forwarding in such a way that it will allow access to the forwarded port from remote hosts as well? I suppose Iptables (in combination with OpenShift port forwarding) could do the trick, but I do not yet know how and if there is a simpler approach. (The jump host runs Debian 9.5.)

UPDATE An approach combining an SSH tunnel and OpenShift (Kubernetes) port forwarding apparently can solve this. This was suggested in a link provided in the accepted answer below.

on jump host (1st session):

ssh -N -L $(hostname -i):5432:localhost:5433 $(whoami)@$(hostname)

on jump host (2nd session):

oc port-forward $pod 5433:5432

on remote host:

psql -U postgres -h jump-host


  • you can find decent discussion on port-forward listen addresses and few temporary solutions on and

    Afer the PR is merged, relased in upstream kubernetes and openshift updates to that version, you will have an easy way to achieve this (I would guess minimum half a year since now). For now you're stuck with workarounds.