I'm trying to run one of my tests, which makes a search, trying to assert the inclusion of records in the search result, but in the meantime, I'm receiving a Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::BadRequest
Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::BadRequest: [400]
"reason":"index [app_application_test_products/FTt1YC6eQrCw2XwJuqjmDw] already exists",
"reason":"index [app_application_test_products/FTt1YC6eQrCw2XwJuqjmDw] already exists",
When I perform a search in development, it works as expected, but in tests is throwing such error, within the test I've added an import and an index refresh, nothing else:
class SearchTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
setup do
Product.import force: true
test "simple test returns product" do
product = products(:one)
I18n.locale = product.market.lang
search = Search.new(
category: product.category.custom_slug,
page: 1,
market_id: product.market_id,
status: "active",
seed: Date.today.to_time.to_i
assert_includes search.results.records, products(:one)
assert_includes search.results.records, products(:two)
assert_not_includes search.results.records, products(:three)
Any help is appreciated, as any hint to improve the code.
I'm using:
# Gemfile
gem 'minitest', '5.10.1'
# Gemfile.lock
elasticsearch (6.1.0)
elasticsearch-model (6.0.0)
elasticsearch-rails (6.0.0)
minitest (= 5.10.1)
I had the wrong mappings in my model. Instead using the type
option, I was using index
, what made ElasticSearch to create a multiple mapping. Which isn't available since the version 6.4 (I guess).