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How to parse soap string in java

I have written the below code to parse a string in java but its not printing out a blank message.

How can I get specific parts from a SOAP message and get their values? I want to get the error and the message in the request.

String xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
             + "<S:Envelope xmlns:S=\"\">"
             + "<S:Body>"
             + "<ns2:processResponse xmlns:ns2=\"\">"
             + "<response><direction>response</direction>"
             + "<reference>09FG10021008111306320</reference>"
             + "<amount>0.0</amount>"
             + "<totalFailed>0</totalFailed>"
             + "<totalSuccess>0</totalSuccess>"
             + "<error>1</error>"
             + "<message>Invalid</message>"
             + "<otherReference>6360e28990c743a3b3234</otherReference>"
             + "<action>FT</action>"
             + "<openingBalance>0.0</openingBalance>"
             + "<closingBalance>0.0</closingBalance>"
             + "</response>"
             + "</ns2:processResponse>"
             + "</S:Body>"
             + "</S:Envelope>\n";

         SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
            Reader in = new StringReader(xml);
            Document doc = null;
            Element root = null;
            Element meta = null;
            Element error = null;
            Element status_message = null;
            String status_code= "";
            String message = "";
             doc =;
             root = doc.getRootElement();
             meta = root.getChild("processResponse").getChild("response");
             error = meta.getChild("error");
             status_message = meta.getChild("message");
             status_code = error.getText();
             message = status_message.getText();

            }catch (Exception e)
             // do what you want
            System.out.println("status_code: " + status_code + "\nmessage: " + message);

The response being generated is status_code: message:


  • You are making some mistakes in your code while picking up elements in xml. You can use this code and check,

    public static void main(String[] args) {
            String xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
                    + "<S:Envelope xmlns:S=\"\">" + "<S:Body>"
                    + "<ns2:processResponse xmlns:ns2=\"\">"
                    + "<response><direction>response</direction>" + "<reference>09FG10021008111306320</reference>"
                    + "<amount>0.0</amount>" + "<totalFailed>0</totalFailed>" + "<totalSuccess>0</totalSuccess>"
                    + "<error>1</error>" + "<message>Invalid</message>"
                    + "<otherReference>6360e28990c743a3b3234</otherReference>" + "<action>FT</action>"
                    + "<openingBalance>0.0</openingBalance>" + "<closingBalance>0.0</closingBalance>" + "</response>"
                    + "</ns2:processResponse>" + "</S:Body>" + "</S:Envelope>\n";
            SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
            Reader in = new StringReader(xml);
            Document doc = null;
            Element root = null;
            Element error = null;
            Element status_message = null;
            String status_code = "";
            String message = "";
            try {
                doc =;
                root = doc.getRootElement();
                Element body = root.getChild("Body", Namespace.getNamespace("S", ""));
                Element processResponse = body.getChild("processResponse", Namespace.getNamespace("ns2", ""));
                Element response = processResponse.getChild("response");
                error = response.getChild("error");
                status_message = response.getChild("message");
                status_code = error.getText();
                message = status_message.getText();
            } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("status_code: " + status_code + "\nmessage: " + message);

    For me this is giving following output,

    status_code: 1
    message: Invalid