I am trying to get div and for other pages, trying to put it in a foreach. But facing some troubles,
<div class="article_info">
<ul class="c-result_box">
<div class="inner cf">
<div class="c-header">
<div class="c-logo">
<im src="/e/designs/31sumai/common/img/logo_08.png" alt="#">
<p class="c-supplier">三井のマンション</p>
<p class="c-name">
<a href="https://www.31sumai.com/mfr/K1503/" class="link" target="_blank">パークリュクス大阪天満</a>
I'm trying to get the text inside the <a>
element, here is my codes, what I am missing here?
$start_id = 1501;
$url = 'https://www.31sumai.com/mfr/K'.$start_id.'/outline.html';
$html = file_get_contents($url);
$DOMParser = new \DOMDocument();
$xpath = new \DOMXPath($DOMParser);
$nodes = $finder->query("//*[contains(@class, '$classname')]");
$MyTable = false;
$insertData = [];
foreach($nodes as $node){
$allNames = [];
foreach($node->getElementsByTagName('a') as $a){
$name = $a->getElementsByTagName('a');
$allProperties[] = [
'names' => $name];
Thank you for helping!
You can rely on your XPath query to pull all the text node that you want, and then just get the nodeValue
property within your loop:
$start_id = "1501";
$url = "https://www.31sumai.com/mfr/K$start_id/outline.html";
$html = file_get_contents($url);
$DOMParser = new \DOMDocument();
$xpath = new \DOMXPath($DOMParser);
$nodes = $xpath->query("//*[contains(@class, '$classname')]/a/text()");
foreach($nodes as $node){
echo $node->nodeValue;