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Unable to update record prior to deletion

In one of my application services, I am trying to update a record prior to deleting (with soft delete). After playing around, i find that i can either update the record or delete it, but i cant do both. the last operation (in this case delete) always takes precedence.

If i delete and then update, the record is not marked as deleted and the column updates, so how can i update the records url and displayname prior to deleting? I added the UnitOfWork attribute, but it didnt seem to have any affect

My method can be found below.

    public async Task Delete(EntityDto input)
        var entity = await _pmnyDocumentsRepository.GetAsync(input.Id);
        var output = await _fileServerManager.DeleteAsync(new DeleteFileServerObjectInput(PmnyConsts.Bucket, $"{entity.MasterId}/{entity.ParentIdentifier}".AsFilePath(), entity.DisplayName));
        entity.Url = output.FilePath;
        entity.DisplayName = output.FileName;
        await _pmnyDocumentsRepository.UpdateAsync(entity);

        var entity2 = await _pmnyDocumentsRepository.GetAsync(entity.Id);
        await _pmnyDocumentsRepository.DeleteAsync(entity2.Id);


  • I would try removing the [UnitOfWork] attribute and instead wrapping the update & delete in their own uow.

     using (var unitOfWork = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin())
     using (var unitOfWork = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin())

    There is further info in the documentation here