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Simple Html Dom Scraping half the page

I am trying to scrape this url using simple-html-dom, but it does not seem to get the full html source code. This code:

        $html = file_get_html('');

        echo $html->plaintext;

displays the content up to the h1, just before the content I am after. And from the simple-html-dom manual examples, this should display all links from that url:

        foreach($html->find('a') as $e) 
        echo $e->href . '<br>';

but it only displays the links up to the main navigation menu, not from the main body or footer.

I also tried using, to fully load url before passing it to file_get_html but the result was the same. What am I doing wrong?


  • Here's my super dirty approach to fetching the rank/artist/title/youtube data using both DOMDocument and SimpleXML.

    The concept is to locate each "row" of data via the xpath //ul[@id="chart_ul"]/li, then using dom_import_simplexml( $outer )->getNodePath() to build a new xpath to select the individual elements where the desired data can be located.

    $temp = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'nrg-airplay-chart.html';
    if( file_exists( $temp ) === false or filemtime( $temp ) < time() - 3600 )
      file_put_contents( $temp, $html = file_get_contents('') );
      $html = file_get_contents( $temp );
    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    $dom->loadHTML( $html );
    $xml = simplexml_import_dom( $dom );
    $array = array();
    foreach( $xml->xpath('//ul[@id="chart_ul"]/li') as $index => $set )
      $basexpath = dom_import_simplexml( $set )->getNodePath();
      $array[] = array(
        'ranking' => (string) $xml->xpath( $basexpath . '//span[@id="ranking"]' )[0],
        'artist' => (string) $xml->xpath( $basexpath . '//p[@id="artist"]/b' )[0],
        'title' => (string) $xml->xpath( $basexpath . '//p[@id="title"]' )[0],
        'youtube' => (string) $xml->xpath( $basexpath . '//div[@id="media"]/a/@href' )[0],
    print_r( $array );