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Getting codeship deployments to digital ocean working

Oh god why is this so hard. I've now spent 3 days trying to get this seemingly simple crap to work.

I need it to: - npm install on CI server (works) - run tests (works) - build angular frontend (works) - ship code to server via rsync (works) - ssh into server (works) - - and npm install (doesn't work. dies because of npm warnings, I think) - - restart pm2 process (doesn't work as there's no elegant way to say start or restart)

At the deploy step, I have this script in the codeship UI

rsync -avz --exclude 'node_modules' ~/clone/
ssh cd /root/my-project && bash ./

Then the script is this:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
npm install --silent &> /dev/null
/usr/local/bin/pm2 stop --silent keystone &> /dev/null
/usr/local/bin/pm2 start keystone.js 2> /dev/null

I'm trying to swallow errors with this trick. &> /dev/null

There are a few vulnerabilities in the project that are unfortunately deep inside a core module and not fixable by me so I need npm to just be quiet in this case.

Then there's the PM2 thing which is slightly annoying. I need to issue a stop command, but if the service is not running it will fail, so again I need to swallow errors. The start command is probably fine.

I think maybe what's happening now is that because I swallow all output codeship's script runner assumes it fails?

I have tried to use the half-baked debug tool, but it magically asks me for a password when I try to login in... Eh?

Also @codeship it would be amazing if 80% of the helpful articles that google has indexed didn't lead to dead pages on your site...


  • I have tried to use the half-baked debug tool, but it magically asks me for a password when I try to login in... Eh?

    I'd say this was a correct instinct. There are too many possible scenarios for why you're coming across these unintended behaviors and nothing short of running the build live with a ssh debug session will likely get to the bottom of that.

    Please see our documentation section for troubleshooting password prompts for ssh debug sessions.

    If an ssh debug session doesn't solve your situation, then please reach out to us at with your build url and we'll take a closer look.