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R loop to approximate square root of a positive real number with Newton's method

I am new to R and I'm working on a homework question which asks me to use a repeat loop using Newton's method for square root approximation. Here is what I have so far:

x = 2
a = 10
tol = 1e-04
repeat {
  (abs(x^2 - a) > tol)
  (x = 0.5 * (a/x + x))
  if (all.equal(x^2, a)) {

But I am getting some error message plus a wrong answer. In the end, a should nearly equal x ^ 2 but it doesn't yet. I know there is something wrong with the all.equal portion, but I'm trying to figure out how to break the loop once they are close enough.

Thank you for any suggestions.


  • Don't use all.equal at all.

    ## trying to find `sqrt(10)`
    x <- 2
    a <- 10
    tol <- 1e-10
      x <- 0.5 * (a / x + x)
      if (abs(x * x - a) < tol) break
    #[1] 3.162278