I am using RabbitMQ. The consumer-api is using spring-cloud-steam. Currently, as maxAttempts is 3, if the consumer fails to process the message, then it will be queued again. And this will happen 3 times. If 3rd time also message fails, then it will be sent to DLX->DLQ.
Now I want to skip retrying if some specificException occurs in the listener side. How to skip this retry and send the message to DLX->DLQ directly for specificException?
Below is the configuration file.
name: consumer-api
overrideCloudConnectors: true
destination: destinationName
contentType: application/json
group: groupName
maxAttempts: 3
durableSubscription: true
exchangeType: direct
bindingRoutingKey: do.test
autoBindDlq: true
deadLetterExchange: destinationName.dlx
deadLetterQueueName: destinationName.dlx.groupName.dlq
deadLetterRoutingKey: do.test
Below is the Listener code.
public class groupNameListener {
public void doTest(Message<DoTestMessage> doTestMessage) {
log.info("doTest message received: {}", doTestMessage);
try {
if ("someCondition".equals(doTestMessage.getPayload().getMessage())) {
throw new SpecificException();
} else {
log.info("do normal work");
throw new Exception(); //if something fails
} catch (SpecificException specificException) {
log.error("Don't requeue but send to DLQ.... how ????");
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error in processing do test message");
throw new AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException("Reject and Don't requeue exception");
//this will requeue the message maximum 3 times. If maxAttempts has reached then will be send to DLX->DLQ
Could someone please help me? Please let me know if I'm making any mistakes.
The upcoming 2.1 release adds the feature to specify which exceptions are, or are not, retryable.
2.1.0.M3 (milestone) is available now.
Exceptions that are not retryable will go directly to the DLQ.