I need to control the left & right speaker balance level on Windows 10 using my C# application.
I was able to control the master volume level of speaker and microphone using Windows IAudioEndpointVolume interface through the Audio Manager C# wrapper which is also mentioned in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14306048/controling-volume-mixer.
But still, I'm unable to control the L/R balance. Is there any specific interface or property I should use?
windows-audio-speaker-balance settings
I'm building Console Application using Windows 10 SDK & .NET 4.6.1 framework through Visual Studio 15
Use SetChannelVolumeLevel (or SetChannelVolumeLevelScalar) method from IAudioEndpointVolume.
SetChannelVolumeLevel: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/endpointvolume/nf-endpointvolume-iaudioendpointvolume-setchannelvolumelevel
SetChannelVolumeLevelScalar: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/endpointvolume/nf-endpointvolume-iaudioendpointvolume-setchannelvolumelevelscalar