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Disable some SwiftLint rules for test target/unit tests files

I am looking to disable a couple of SwiftLint rules for the unit tests within my application.

For example I am wanting to disable the weak_delegate rule for my unit tests.

Having looked at the SwiftLint docs I think it may be possible by defining a custom weak_delegate rule and excluding the path to my unit tests.


  • You can disable them at a local level using:

    //swiftlint:disable weak_delegate
    let someDelete: someDelegate?
    //swiftlint:enable weak_delegate

    or at target level, by modifying your .swiftlint.yml file (hidden)

        excluded: ".*Test\\.swift" //regex path to your tests folder

    or at project level, by modifying your .swiftlint.yml file (hidden)

     - weak_delegate