With reference to c++11 list initialization, may I initialize a list with an element and another list?
Let's say I have the following code:
#include <vector>
class Foo
Foo(int value){m_v=value;}
int m_v = 0;
int main()
std::vector<Foo> v1, v2, v3;
v1 = {Foo(1)}; //ok
v2 = {Foo(2), Foo(3)}; //ok
v3 = {Foo(3), v2}; //error: no match for ‘operator=’ (operand types are ‘std::vector’ and ‘’)
Is there a way to create in one line of code, using list initialization, a vector made of the element of another vector plus a new element (a prepend, in the example above).
We can create some template infrastructure to allow creation of vectors through optional concatenation of objects and other vectors.
This is very much a first cut:
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace extended
template<class T>
struct appender
template<class V, class A, class Arg>
void operator()(std::vector<V, A>& vec, Arg&& arg) const
template<class V2, class A2>
struct appender<std::vector<V2, A2>>
template<class V, class A, class X>
void operator()(std::vector<V, A>& vec, X&& arg) const
vec.insert(end(vec), begin(std::forward<X>(arg)), end(std::forward<X>(arg)));
template<class V, class A, class T>
auto append(std::vector<V, A>& target, T&& x) -> decltype(auto)
auto op = appender<std::decay_t<T>>();
op(target, std::forward<T>(x));
return target;
template<class T, class...Args>
auto make_vector(Args&&...args)
using extended::append;
std::vector<T> result;
using expand = int[];
expand {0,
(append(result, std::forward<Args>(args)), 0)...
return result;
class Foo
Foo(int value){m_v=value;}
int m_v = 0;
int main()
auto v1 = make_vector<Foo>(Foo(1)); //ok
auto v2 = make_vector<Foo>(Foo(2), Foo(3)); //ok
auto v3 = make_vector<Foo>(Foo(3), v2); //ok
Of course, by looking for common interfaces we can start to push the boundaries a little:
#include <utility>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <set>
namespace extended
// The general case of an appender.
// simply calls emplace_back
template<class T, class Diff = void>
struct appender
template<class V, class A, class Arg>
void operator()(std::vector<V, A>& vec, Arg&& arg) const
// specific specialisation for an appender where the
// source object supports begin() and end() (i.e. a container)
template<class T>
struct appender
template<class V, class A, class X>
void operator()(std::vector<V, A>& vec, X&& arg) const
vec.insert(std::end(vec), std::begin(std::forward<X>(arg)), std::end(std::forward<X>(arg)));
template<class V, class A, class T>
auto append(std::vector<V, A>& target, T&& x) -> decltype(auto)
auto op = appender<std::decay_t<T>>();
op(target, std::forward<T>(x));
return target;
template<class T, class...Args>
auto make_vector(Args&&...args)
using extended::append;
std::vector<T> result;
using expand = int[];
expand {0,
(append(result, std::forward<Args>(args)), 0)...
return result;
class Foo
Foo(int value){m_v=value;}
bool operator<(const Foo& r) const { return m_v < r.m_v; }
int m_v = 0;
int main()
auto v1 = make_vector<Foo>(Foo(1)); //ok
auto v2 = make_vector<Foo>(Foo(2), Foo(3)); //ok
auto v3 = make_vector<Foo>(Foo(3), v2); //ok
auto v4 = make_vector<Foo>(Foo(1),
std::list<Foo> { Foo(2), Foo(3) },
make_vector<Foo>(4, make_vector<Foo>(8, 9, 10)),
std::set<Foo> {Foo(6), Foo(7) }); // bizzare but ok