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SimpleXML root node prefix php

I'm trying to create XML with php: this is true XML

<p:FatturaElettronica versione="FPA12" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:p="" xmlns:xsi="" versione="FPA12" >

My code:

$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<p:FatturazioneElettronica xmlns:ds="" xmlns:p="" />');
$FatturaElettronicaHeader = $xml->addChild('FatturaElettronicaHeader');
$IdTrasmittente->addChild('IdPaese', 'IT');

$ProgressivoInvio=$DatiTrasmissione->addChild('ProgressivoInvio', '00001');
$FormatoTrasmissione=$DatiTrasmissione->addChild('DatiTrasmissione', 'FPA12');
$CodiceDestinatario=$DatiTrasmissione->addChild('CodiceDestinatario', 'AAAAAA');

in my xml file i have prefix p: in every tag.

i need to have prefix p in root node (p:FatturaElettronica).

I don't know how to do it.

<p:FatturazioneElettronica xmlns:ds="" xmlns:p="" xmlns:xsi="" versione="FPA12">


  • The problem with SimpleXML is that if you don't specify the namespace of an element when adding it, it assumes the namespace of the parent node (hence the p:). To add it to the default namespace (i.e. without a prefix) there are a couple of things you will need to change.

    First is to add a default namespace declaration at the root element...

    $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<p:FatturazioneElettronica 
          xmlns="" />');

    I've just added is as xmlns="" near the end.

    Then when adding the first element to the document, add this to the newly defined default namespace...

    $FatturaElettronicaHeader = $xml->addChild('FatturaElettronicaHeader', 
                null, '');