I have a dataset of images on my Google Drive. I have this dataset both in a compressed .zip version and an uncompressed folder.
I want to train a CNN using Google Colab. How can I tell Colab where the images in my Google Drive are?
I hope someone could explain me what I need to do or tell me where to find help.
I have found yet another thread asking the same question as mine: Sadly, of the 3 answers, two refer to Kaggle, which I don't know and don't use. The third answer provides two links. The first link refers to the 3rd thread I linked, and the second link only explains how to upload single files manually.
To update the answer. You can right now do it from Google Colab
# Load the Drive helper and mount
from google.colab import drive
# This will prompt for authorization.
!ls "/content/drive/My Drive"