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Pytest assert syntax and how to call yml file from pytest function

This is how I code my unit test:

def test_valid_number():
  check = requests.get("http://testing/validateNumber/021844223")
  assert True

def test_invalid_number():
  check = requests.get("http://testing/validateNumber/02188441")
  assert False 

My questions are:

  1. How to do assert (with pytest) correctly to check an API response? The first function is to check valid number and it returns result:

    {"header":[{"STUDENTNUM":"P56219","STUDENTNAME":"GOLDIE",..... }

The second function is to check invalid number with the expected return:

  1. Instead of coding the url and the student number manually. How can I create this in YAML and how to call the YAML file in my both functions.


  • Pytest provides a fixture monkeypatch and you can make use of it

    def test_valid_number(monkeypatch):
        def patched_get():
            return {"header":[{"STUDENTNUM":"P56219","STUDENTNAME":"GOLDIE"}
        monkeypatch.setattr(requests, 'get', patched_get)
        assert check == {"header":[{"STUDENTNUM":"P56219","STUDENTNAME":"GOLDIE"}

    To read YAML files, you need PyYAML. Install it with pip.

    import yaml
    with open("example.yml", "r") as f:
        test_data = yaml.load(f)
    def test_valid_number():
        response = requests.get(test_data['url']).json()
        assert response == test_data['expected']

    And the YAML file would look like this:

    url: "http://testing/validateNumber/021844223"
          STUDENTNUM: "P56219"