I have pack of templates, that import and extend parent templates, I'd like to get templates rendered with those imports and extends but without rendering context vars for jinja. Does jinja supports partial rendering with excluded or imported blocks? Is it possible not to render context vars and get template?
With Tornado, you can just read the templates and write them to the response. If you don't want to render them, don't use the render
class MyHandler(web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
with open('/path/to/template.html') as f:
Another solution:
Jinja2 Environment
class allows you to customize the brackets used for context variables. That means, you can set these brackets - {{ ... }}
to some other characters, like - [[ ... ]]
, and Jinja2 will not render the old brackets. So, Jinja will not see these {{ }}
as special characters and will output them just like any other character.
This is a simple example:
from jinja2 import Environment
env = Environment(
... other usual options ...
And then use this env
to render your template. All the variables with curly brackets - {{ ... }}
won't be rendered and yet the other extended templates will also be included.